Sunday 7 April 2013

The Death of an Ant: geometry for real life

While tidying up, the afternoon class accidentally squished an ant. The children were so upset by what had happened that they decided to create a funeral for the ant to let it know that they were sorry. It was decided that we would bury it outside and that we needed a stop sign so no one would step on it and a box to put it in. In creating these items, the children demonstrated their growing understandings of shapes and spatial sense. 

                                         the stop sign
"I was making an octagon with a ruler to make sure the sides were the same length." 

"We were making a stop sign. We were cutting the paper." 

"I was counting the vertices and then I was counting the sides to make sure it was an octagon." 

                                                                          the box

"I cutting a paper square. 6 squares because it's a cube."

"I making the box. A cube. Squares. I drawing the squares. A cube because it's squares." 

"I done my box. I put squares."

The children and I buried the ant using leaves from our classroom and put up the stop sign and a sign letting everyone know that we had buried our ant on this spot. 

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