Monday 1 April 2013

Our Flower Shop

Our ever-changing drama centre has been a home centre, doctor's office, the Valley and pizza shop. The children have now voted to turn it into a flower shop. Both the morning and afternoon classes have been working hard to brainstorm what they need in a flower shop and turn their vision into a reality. 

Some of the children decided to turn our tree into a flowering one and have been drawing, painting and collecting flowers to add to it. 

The afternoon children decided that we need to grow flowers in our shop and laid down large brown paper as soil. 

Onto this "soil," many of the children have been "growing" their own sculpted flowers using wire, beads and plasticine that have turned out beautifully. These flowers have taken a great deal of time, patience and fine motor capabilities to create. 

Our flower shop is still very much a work in progress at this point, but already many curriculum areas, such as measurement, counting, adding and subtracting, shapes, spatial sense, reading, writing, science and the visual arts are being explored when playing here.  For example, some children were making use of the index in a book to find wildflowers they wanted to draw. Others were connecting earlier learning when explaining that the flowers in our shop would need sunlight, air and water to grow. 

Our flower shop is a perfect addition to our classroom as a way of welcoming the sunny spring weather and I can't wait to see what other learning will emerge as it continues to grow.

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