Saturday 29 September 2012

October Calendars

Here are two separate calendars for October; one for the morning class and one for the afternoon.

Song of the Week: September 24

Our "song" this week is actually a fingerplay that the children have enjoyed adding to. I have included a breakdown of the actions, but showing is better than telling so ask your child to teach them to you.

Finding Treasure

 This week, the children and I went outside to search for the treasure located right in our own backyard. We threw "magic" treasure finders around the yard and discovered the bits of treasure located right underneath them.

Some treasures, like flowers, we couldn't bring back into the classroom, as we did not want to hurt living growing things. Leaves and twigs were great treasures, though, and we brought them back with us into the classroom for a closer look. 

At home: Make your own "treasure finder" using an old plastic margarine/yogurt/sour cream lid (we used paint lids), or even a circle cut out of cardboard. Go on a "treasure hunt" with your child around the neighbourhood and see what great finds you come up with while having fun outdoors and developing your child's oral language skills. 

Friday 21 September 2012

Song of the Week: September 17

Here is the new song we learned this week. It's quite catchy, so I'm sure your whole family will soon be singing along! Ask your child to show you the actions. 

Saturday 15 September 2012

Our First Week Together

This was a week of many firsts for our children. 

This was the very first week that all of the Junior and Senior Kindergarten children were at school together for the full morning or afternoon. They spent their time getting to know me, their new friends, classroom and Gym and Music teachers. The Senior Kindergarteners are readjusting to being back at school after their summer break and the Juniors are making the huge transition to being at school for the first time and learning the routines. 

We should all congratulate ourselves for making it through the first full week of school and I am looking forward to the wonderful year ahead. 

September Calendar